I talk a lot about freedom of expression. It’s the deepest part of my work.
In the last few months (years?) I’ve felt less and less fully expressed, like there are rules I’m following that are unspoken, probably ones I’ve made up.
I’ve felt like there's something I am supposed to be saying that I can’t seem to reveal (yes, of course, I coach my clients on this ALL.THE.TIME.)
I’ve had countless coaching sessions on this issue and they’ve been intellectually enlightening and interesting, but that feeling remains.
The other day I was on a call with two of my dearest friends and I was telling them I feel like I have all of these unrelated and irrelevant things that I really want to say that I’m not saying. They asked me what they are – to list them out.
So, I started saying them all. And then they invited (challenged?) me to say them. Just share them and see what happens for myself, what I notice, how I feel.
And here we are, my friends…
(Below this list, I’ll share this personal project I’ve created for myself for January, inspired by this.)

** 10 Things I want to talk about on social media – and other places – but don’t **

1. Reusable period pads – and so many other way-better period options.
2. What it feels like to add 60 pounds to my body.
3. How much of a struggle it’s been to create a profitable business these last 14 years.
4. Glamorizing alcohol & other drugs is weird to me and I wish people would stop doing it.
5. We have to talk a whole lot more about female sexual pleasure.
6. Why is it so hard to find bras & underwear that fit well and are genuinely comfortable?
7. I’m a proud Democrat but I don’t always agree with everything that “we” are saying.
8. Why I’m grateful to be diagnosed with ADHD (when I was 42 years old) even as I hold diagnoses of any kind very lightly.
9. I wish people would stop telling kids that they are “the anxious type” and may have to “manage” anxiety forever.
10. I’m often very afraid to say what I think, in spite of spending my lifetime studying freedom of expression and helping others speak on incredible stages.