

There is a lot of pressure out there to find our life-passion/life-purpose. I use the  word passion often when I talk about Brazen Soul business. Our tagline is “communication for the passion-driven entrepreneur”. Passion is a big thing for me – and...

Lose Your Elevator Pitch

When is the last time you actually made eye contact with a stranger in an elevator, much less exchanged meaningful conversation about your respective businesses? Seriously, the Elevator Pitch is a useless concept for most of us. Here's the real scenario that we all...

It’s ALL about the story!

Our girls' caregiver is leaving for Spain in January. She has taken extraordinary and loving care of our three daughters for over a year and a half, which is a long time in the lives of our 5-year-old and younger babes. We are both sad and thrilled for her. She is a...