Friends! It’s the last day of January. This means I DID IT!

I missed a few days while on retreat (I’m ok with this) but I published a full 10 Things list almost every day in January.

**10 THINGS I’M TAKING AWAY FROM MY #10ThingsProject

Some things I’m taking away from this 10 Things List experience:

1. It’s really fun to share random things about my life with my friends online!

2. My post doesn’t have to be amazing to enjoy the process and (maybe) for others to enjoy it, too.

3. We have so much in common! From what we make for dinner to what helps us feel loved and cared for, we are more alike than we realize.

4. I’m not the only one who gets stuck about what to share on social media. I got lots of private notes as well as comments on Facebook and IG posts about this.

5. What we “should” share and what we shouldn’t is all made up in our minds! People care a lot less about it than we think.

6. People aren’t losing sleep over what we post (a la #5), but they do want us to feel supported and celebrated. This overfilled my heart.

7. Many conversations start online, but go much deeper in conversations on zoom, in DMs, email, in person. This is a pretty fun way to engage great conversations that might otherwise never begin.

8. I often say I hate to write. Writing is so much easier when you give yourself “permission” to just say what comes to you, minimal filtering.

9. My identity around what I talk about online has totally opened up! Jessica Dioguardi Miller and I talked about this on her Third Thursday Huddle event. It might be the most important takeaway of all.

10. I LOVE READING OTHER PEOPLE’S LISTS! Please please share your #10ThingsProject and tag me! (I also created a quick guide with a bunch of list ideas for free if you want to have extra support. (I’ll put a link in the comments that guide, in case you want to grab it.)

I love you. Thank you for being here and sharing with me. Let’s keep saying the things we want to say, and stop trying to do it “right.” I promise to do my best with that going forward.

I may post a bit less often but know that you’re on my mind in a much more real and connected way now! Xoxo