5 Essential Things You Need to Become a Go-To Speaker in Your Industry


You know you are meant to stand on those awesome stages and change lives with your message.

If you want to clarify your message, write your speech, and have a trusted guide for captivating delivery, you’re in the right place.

Getting really good speaking gigs can be tricky, whether you are looking to be a paid speaker or simply want to contribute in the highest level conversations in your industry, regardless of whether you are paid to speak or not. This is because meeting and event planners must ensure that their audience will be delighted by their experience so they must vet their speakers carefully.

To make it through that discernment process, you must show the meeting or event organizer that you will provide that kind of awesome experience for their audience.

In this guide, I share with you the most essential things to have in place so that meeting organizers feel not only confident, but excited about bringing you to their stages.

This information is based on more than two decades as a speaker and a speaking mentor and coach. It's the kind of insider information that is very hard to get if you aren't already active in the speaking world.


When you enter your name and email you'll get immediate access to this content-rich guide, which includes:


The five most essential things you must have in place for meeting organizers to decide if you are a great fit for their audience

Speaker Page Checklist and Training Video

My coveted and super-valuable Questions to Ask the Meeting Organizer guide bonus download!

This resource is a comprehensive (and free!) solution to that perplexing question I hear so often: How do I get the really great speaking gigs?

HERE'S YOUR ANSWER –  Free and Immediately