My Favorite Tools to Use for a Big Visioning Session

by | Thought Leadership

This month inside the Coaches Leadership Collective, our theme is all about Your Big Beautiful Vision In Action.

There is something really exciting about letting yourself dream in big beautiful fullness. This doesn’t mean you have to “dream big” in terms of dollars or building an empire. Nope – your Big Beautiful Vision is all about what your heart and Spirit want to create when you are deeply honest with yourself.

I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my favorite visioning accoutrements in case you’d like to create a special Visioning session for yourself. Here’s what I usually have on hand when I do my big dreaming:

Of course, you don’t need all (or even any) of these things in order to dream up your next year. You’ve got everything you need right there inside you. They are just fun to enhance the experience.

And if you really want to go for it, bring some of these items with you on a working retreat and make it an even more beautiful, spacious experience for yourself!