Seth Godin is just so good. Seriously, I am so often amazed at his cleverness. This very cool FRE'E eBook is no exception. In it, you'll find many pages of brilliance by extraordinary thinkers, writers, marketers, geniuses… such as Penelope Trunk, Martha Beck, and Bill Taylor – and so many more. They are riffing on What Matters Now – one author per page. Some use images, some use clever branded fonts, and some just say brilliant stuff in regular text.

I read the whole thing this morning.

I also noticed that there were pages interspersed throughout for the Room to Read program. Of course I clicked on the Room to Read link, after a few gentle-yet-persuasive pages tucked into this jam-packed generosity of new marketing/right-living coaching. Guess what I am adding to my list of giving opportunities this year… yep, Room to Read.

This happened with Seth Godin's recent “fre'e” advanced copy of his new book, Linchpin. He put out this offer through his blog to get a “fre'e” copy of Linchpin, three weeks before it comes out for mass distribution with a minimum contribution of $30 to Acumen Fund. I'm a huge Seth Godin fan, I like to be on the “leading edge” (therefore reading his book early means I get a leading-edge advantage on the cleverness I know I'll find inside), and hell, I definitely like to Contribute to others who don't have the essentials we all deserve as humans on this Earth. So, $30 for a “fre'e”, early copy of a Seth Godin book that goes directly to people who really, really need it is a no-brainer.

Seth Godin, I just want to say that I so know what you are up to – and I like it. These are very cool, unexpected ways to make a meaningful difference in the world. And frankly, I appreciate being invited into the innovation.

And incidentally, I'm learning a thing or two about marketing through his example (shocker.)

Thank you, Thomas Hawk via Seth Godin and Ishita Gupta, for the cover image for the Fre'e What Matters Now ebook.