Will you please do me a favor? I want to *really* understand soul-inspired business owners’ needs.

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I have been head-down focused on product creation a lot lately. I do love that kind of work, however intense and grueling it can feel at times. Now it's time for me to get eye to eye with more of you all who are doing the soul-inspired work I always talk about and try to serve with these products and coaching.

I want to understand as clearly as possible exactly what is your pain. What keeps you up at night (or causes you anxiety during the day) as you build your soulful business?

I created this really short survey to try to get a sense of what you may be struggling with (if anything at all.) I also want to get a sense of how things are going for you overall.

Would you mind filling out this survey for me, please?

It takes about two minutes. I will be so grateful – and I am happy to send you the results once I get enough data to warrant some general conclusions. And if you are so inclined to pass along this survey to others you know who could add to the wisdom, that would be so lovely.

Thank you so kindly.

Thank you Joe Marinaro for the carved “please” image.