Release burnout and enjoy simple, genuine success.

Sound like exactly what you need?

You're doing all the things… meetings, hitting deadlines, putting out fires, housework – every day thinking to yourself, “When I get past all this, I’ll be able to work on my real vision.”

But when you do have the space, you can’t seem to focus – and you’re not sure why. 

As a leader, you know that your vibrant energy and focus are essential to realizing your Big Vision for your life and work. Clarity, confidence and conviction are the currency of your best work and greatest impact. 

Whether that vision is being a recognized thought leader in your industry, building a multi-million dollar company or creating a mission-driven organization that changes countless lives – your connection to the vision and the plan are essential.

Some of us are called to lead with our voice and passion – and that’s you for sure.

Yet, big dreams often bring with them unexpected turns and roadblocks. It can be overwhelming to make so many decisions, without any certainty of outcomes. You might find yourself taking opportunities that feel familiar or “doable”, even when they aren’t what you really want. 

On top of that, taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and mentally has taken a seat at the wayyy back of the bus. It’s hard to imagine how you could take great care of yourself when the work list keeps morphing and growing in different directions. 

Exhausted and overwhelmed, you may even find yourself on autopilot and veering off course. This can lead to falling back on old habits or choosing the safe path.

The safe path would be fine if you weren’t who you are…

…however, for you, being aligned and in full expression of your strengths and gifts is essential to feeling great about your work.

You're Tired of:


Spending hours every week wondering whether what you’re working on will ultimately lead to your vision – especially since the results have been less than stellar.


Hiring team members to help ease the workload and finding yourself working even more than you were before to train them, fix things and support their work (even when they have the very best intentions!)


Posting on social media, sending out speaking or podcast pitches, sending out newsletters every week… but you’re simply NOT seeing the results you expect.


Promising yourself that you’ll take Fridays off – or stop working by 5pm on weekdays – and not honoring that promise over and over again.


Trying EVERYTHING, like hiring a business or executive coach, bringing on a new team member, or even creating a whole new plan that is just sure to be successful…  but this only makes you more exhausted and confused.


Wavering between overworking and completely bailing on your promises to yourself to complete projects.

This program was created for exactly this purpose: to be a reset and re-invigoration for you around your deepest desires, goals and greatest impact in the world. To be richly supported while you make your Big Vision a reality.

After 15 years supporting award-winning founders, high level leaders and super successful business owners as an executive & speaking and thought leadership coach, I’ve realized there is a reliable way to create this kind of beautiful alignment. The difference this makes is undeniable.

The truth is, you absolutely are meant to live into your greatest vision for your life and work.

And every day you spend wondering how to make it happen or what you might be doing wrong just increases your doubt and uncertainty – and amplifies the fear that you’ll never figure it out.

I totally get it. 

Hi! I'm Michelle.

I help women business leaders, founders and thought leaders release every barrier to creating the impact in the world they know they are meant to make. Through a process of full alignment with their deepest vision and a plan for showing up and shining authentically, they no longer feel alone on the path to True Success. 

I was not always this clear and aligned with my work, though… 

I started my business in 2008 knowing I was meant to do work that called upon my strengths and gifts. I had no idea how to apply those gifts and strengths in a way that brought in meaningful income as well as impact in the world. 

I spent six years mostly hiding behind my computer, branding and rebranding, spinning in uncertainty and trying to perfect things so that I’d be “worthy” of the leadership I felt called to bring to the world. 

No matter how “perfect” the offerings I created or how brilliant and great the clients I was working with, I just couldn’t get real momentum. It seemed like everyone else was thriving in their business and work around me while I continued to feel a bit lost and uncertain.  

And over time, even with increased financial success, it felt like a roller coaster – out of my control. The further away I got from my soul centered mission, “Visioning” felt more elusive and I couldn’t even bring myself to set goals at all. Friends and colleagues would tell me how impressed they were with my business, yet I felt sort of numb to it all.

An all time low of energy, inability to focus and this growing sense of numbness was threatening to overtake everything, not just my work. So, I called my doctor to schedule a health exam (something I hadn’t done for way too long), then scheduled a much-needed personal retreat.

On this retreat, I realized that I had to stop ignoring my deep desire to lead a business, career and life that is genuinely aligned with my heart and soul. It was never going to work any other way. 

This is when I started to feel the momentum and vibrance again – personally and in my work. I created podcast episodes full of what I really wanted to say, what I felt mattered most for the people I serve. 

I wrote the copy on my website and in my newsletter from this surrendered place and started to get replies sharing how much what I wrote resonated. 

In my work with clients over the last few years, I’ve seen over and over again that this momentum and vibrancy are a cornerstone of Genuine Success. That genuine alignment and full expression are essential. There is no compromise that works for those of us on a soul-guided path. 

Watching my clients shine brighter and enjoy their impact and work more than ever before is all the confirmation I need that this is the best way to do business and life: Aligned & Radiant.

Why Aligned & Radiant is different:

My work as a speaking and thought leadership coach for many high-achieving leaders has taught me so much about what gets us stuck. Ambitious, brilliant leaders need and deserve high-level support. In fact, I’ve seen that it’s required for your best work and life.  

While the goal that started my work with these leaders was speaking and thought leadership, inevitably our coaching sessions would expand into all areas where they were feeling stuck, needed support or wanted thought partnership.


“This isn’t what I meant to create! I’m not doing the work I really want to be doing!”

The busywork… the wasted time and energy… it was stealing their vibrancy and passion. 

Our work became focused on finding their way back to their Big Vision – then keeping that vision at the heart of all of their marketing, business building and thought leadership going forward. 

This way, their Radiant Leadership (being a beacon light in their industry) came from a fully aligned place… Aligned & Radiant.

Investment begins at $4,997* with payment plans available

I only have space on my calendar for a small number of clients right now.
I expect these special spots to go quickly. If this resonates, please don’t hesitate!

Here's  how we work together so that you become Aligned & Radiant in your work & life.




Guided visioning to reveal the freshest version of what you want to create in your work and life. Clarify how you will know when the Vision is realized.



Survey of all resources available to support the vision. This is when we also figure out what resources are needed (and which can be let go) to fully support you in making your Big Vision reality – personal and work. 



Custom plan and timeline with enough detail that there is no question what has to happen, when, in order to reach your goals. Due dates, project and task owners, etc – a ready plan! This includes personal as well as professional goals.



Dissolving Hidden Barriers

What got you here, isn’t likely to get you to Genuine Success. This is where deep coaching can reveal incredible freedom. 



Action is the most powerful clarifying force. Creating experiments allows you to learn and adjust quickly, without drama.



Simple but not easy, based on experiments, assessment and your Big Vision, you’ll decide what professional and personal habits you want to create to bring your Big Vision closer.



The Message at the Heart of Your Work

The Stand you take in your thought leadership. Articulate what you want to be known for.


Your Why Story

First for you, then for the world. Why does this work matter to you? The story you’ll tell yourself when you forget why you’re doing this. The story you share with the world to show them you get it.



Decide where you will show up: podcast guesting, special projects in your organization, your own podcast, on stages, through your own book, a contributing writer online or in print, etc.



Your Full Expression

New layers of resistance rise up and you will dissolve them. Releasing your fullest expression. Surrendered speaking.


Your Expression Élan

Your natural charisma is living in you, waiting to be revealed. Through this most beloved process, we’ll reveal your custom very specific Expression Élan words to describe your expression style and be able to apply those actively to your communication in all areas.



From this place of radical clarity and connection with your big vision, we’ll create a next level leadership plan for you. Whether this is getting into full swing on writing your book, reaching out to higher level speaking opportunities, committing to a bold social media plan, or creating a special program within your organization to serve in the way that matters most to you, you’ll know exactly what actions to take moving forward – and already have momentum!

This is a 16-week program created after fifteen years coaching business owners and leaders, designed to release any barriers to your fullest expression in your work and your life. 

On this foundation, you’ll be ready for big spotlight leadership (all the best stages, your book, next level position in your organization) – Radiant Leadership – business & career growth beyond your current dreams – all while taking amazing care of yourself, too.

Because you know what happens when you finally live & work from your most ALIGNED & RADIANT place?


You wake up every morning EXCITED to show up and serve with your message. Having a clear system that WORKS and being deeply connected with your mission are the magic combination.


Amazing clients, awesome leadership opportunities and business and career growth are a natural outcome of showing up and shining with confidence, clarity and conviction.


You have more ease and flow in your work and life now that you’re not spending so much time in confusion and overwhelm. This means you not only are more productive in your work day, but you are more present and feel more connected in all areas of your life.


You ENJOY your life and work so much more! You are made to do the work of your heart and soul – it’s who you are. This process is designed to create that alignment.

Imagine what it will feel like to wake up each day full of clarity, conviction and a powerful sense of purpose – knowing you are living into your Big Vision & being the leader you know you are meant to be.

Investment begins at $4,997* with payment plans available

I only have space on my calendar for a small number of clients right now.
I expect these special spots to go quickly. If this resonates, please don’t hesitate!

Let's get down to the details of how we will work together and what's included in this program:


This is a 16-week  1:1 coaching program


One half-day virtual VIP Day (can be done in person, if preferred) during the first month, with surprises in the mail to make it extra awesome


We meet for 45 minutes, three times a month (12 virtual coaching sessions total)


The remaining week each month is asynchronous implementation support: content creation, crafting your talk, book writing, creating your career/leadership plan – this is custom to your goals and vision


You’ll have access to every digital course inside The Radiant Leader School during our work together to support your vision


Templates, checklists, guides and so many resources to support your beautiful work


Thought leadership outcomes you might choose to work on together: Craft your signature talk, create TEDx applications, map out and begin writing your book, create an online course, record a video series to share on social… endless possibilities. (The usual investment just to create a talk together is minimum $5,000 so this is a really awesome part of the package!)


Voxer (voice communication app)  & email support between sessions


The most valuable thing you’ll get: deep clarity, confidence & conviction in your Big Vision and an exciting plan to make it a reality – with tons of implementation support!

Investment begins at $4,997* with payment plans available

I only have space on my calendar for a small number of clients right now.
I expect these special spots to go quickly. If this resonates, please don’t hesitate!


Working with Michelle was a game-changer for me.

I've always been a fairly good public speaker but Michelle helped me take my talks to the next level. I loved how collaborative the process was – the fact that we just got to talk through my ideas and then she produced the first draft really alleviated any writer's block. Having her create a schedule also prevented procrastination, and her feedback and practice rounds of reading the talk out loud taught me how important that refining process really is. I have used the tools I learned with her on subsequent talks on my own and they were better too – it's truly a set of practices that you can use for the rest of your speaking life!

Kara Loewentheil
Master Coach & Host of the UnF*ck Your Brain podcast


The first conversation we had made me realize that what I really have to say is so much bigger. She helped me get to the heart of my message—what the real big message was. It was the best day ever. Some of the best work that I did, definitely, in 2019 was with Michelle.

Rachel Rodgers
CEO, Hello Seven


Michelle is one of the best coaches I’ve ever worked with in any field. You’re going to get unbelievable expertise, somebody who is incredibly thoughtful and smart, and is going to care deeply about teaching you how to be a great speaker.

Melanie Vetter


I killed it on that stage because Michelle helped me frame my rooftop message. She helped me deliver a talk that made sense, and that rallied an audience to buy into the idea that if we want to solve major world problems, we have to help girls and women stop dieting. None of that would have happened without her loving, but firm guidance. Hire Michelle for any major talk that you need to give.

Susan Hyatt
CEO, Susan Hyatt Inc & Susan Hyatt The Agency, TEDx speaker


 My goal is that you feel richly supported, fully expressed and in beautiful motion from the beginning. The bonuses will support this:

Surprise Box in the Mail (valued at $100)

I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but think about heart, mind and soul support – with delight!

18 Full Month Visibility Packets!
(valued at $97)

18 months worth of content prompts to make showing up and shining easier and more fun (more than 500 prompts in total!)  

Full Access to all courses inside The Radiant Leader School (valued at $600+)

during the full 16-weeks. Courses like: The Message You Came to Share, Speak So It Matters for Founders, Meant for TED, Create Your Awesome Online Course Quickly and more!


Michelle takes public speaking coaching into an entirely different dimension. When I work with Michelle, I feel like I'm peeling back the layers of who I am as a person, in addition to creating an impactful talk. I trust Michelle implicitly since I know that she brings her whole heart and passion to her work with her clients. And, the strategic advice and guidance she has given me on creating talks that I believe in and feel comfortable doing, has been invaluable. I'm so looking forward to continuing my work with Michelle. Grace Kraaijvanger, The Hivery Founder

Grace Kraaijvanger
The Hivery Founder


I am lucky to have found you and worked with you. My event went off without a hitch and best of all, I felt strong, calm and confident the whole time! That was a first. Now I welcome opportunities to speak rather than feeling anxious about them.

Theresa Sullivan
Wayfinder Advisors


Communicating ideas to others sounds like a natural thing we do every day. But in the world of design, my career depends on being able to craft and share stories with others, build relevant insight, and inspire others to engage in meaningful issues around them. Having Michelle Barry Franco as an expert coach and collaborator has transformed my ability to communicate with authenticity and passion, and to become a better listener – to speak to what matters to others. Michelle's technical expertise brings focus to the process and her depth of experience brings lasting support to the amazing power of storytelling and speaking with purpose!

Dina Sorensen

Investment begins at $4,997* with payment plans available

I only have space on my calendar for a small number of clients right now.
I expect these special spots to go quickly. If this resonates, please don’t hesitate!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be a frequent speaker to work with you?

Absolutely not. While I’ve been coaching business leaders on their speaking for many years, speaking is just one part of the work we do together. Think of me as your high-level professional coach with expertise in speaking and writing for thought leadership.

When does Aligned & Radiant begin?

This program is completely one on one, so we begin when you choose!

Why 16 weeks? Does it really take that long to get clear and into action?

Oh, you’ll be in action from the beginning! What I’ve discovered over the years is that the missing piece is almost never how to do something (though I’ll give you lots of that!). It’s more releasing things in the way of getting in the way of your Big Vision.

How do I know if this is the right investment for me right now?

If you have a good idea of your message and some sense of what you would love to create in the world through your work, you are in a perfect position to work with me in this way. Helping you go from feeling a bit uncertain or having too many ideas to clarity, confidence and active leadership are my specialty!

How is this different from straight speaking coaching?

While we can absolutely craft a talk (or talks!) during our work together, this program is about the foundation upon which your speaking and thought leadership are built. It’s what I’ve seen is the missing piece for so many people I’ve worked with over the years. I want you to have this!

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, of course! We can easily set you up on a two-pay or monthly payment program.

* This is special pricing for the first round of this unique offering. I honestly expect it to increase significantly next round.


Every time I get into conversation with Michelle, a sense of clarity washes over me so jumping into this offer was a no brainer.

Sara Walka
Founder of Sisters Enchanted


I started working with Michelle because I was struggling with confidence in my thought leadership. I found myself going in circles around my core message and how I help others. Michelle is magical in her ability to listen and then encapsulate my ramblings in meaningful ways. She's helped me find clarity and confidence in my messaging and deliver even more impact as both a coach and speaker.

Elena Sonnino
Speaker, Author, Coach


Michelle was the perfect coach for me and my TED talk. Michelle challenged me to peel back the layers and get to the message that needed to be shared. She also helped me figure out where I needed a slide and where I didn't as well as tips for connecting with the audience. Without Michelle, my TED talk would not have spoken to the audience in the way it did, and I am forever grateful for her!

Gail Menasco
TEDx Speaker


I knew Michelle would deliver on her promise that we would have a talk, and I wanted that. But I didn't expect to feel so confident standing in front of women delivering that talk.

Denise Lampron

Investment begins at $4,997* with payment plans available

I only have space on my calendar for a small number of clients right now.
I expect these special spots to go quickly. If this resonates, please don’t hesitate!

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