Get Crystal Clear
on the Core Message
at the heart of your work

so you can magnetize amazing clients and
become known as a recognized leader in your industry
without feeling like you are “so close but not quite there”
on your message, story and impact in the world.

I'll show you how. 

When your message is clear, focused and powerful, it magnetizes clients naturally.

Your ability to take a clear and confident stand shows potential clients that you are a leader in your industry.

High-paying clients want to work with the best in their field. Your clarity of message allows you to express your expertise confidently.

You want to become known as an authority and leader in your industry

When you are consistently taking a stand for your message, you become the go-to person on your topic. This makes you the obvious choice for the high-end conference keynote, respected podcast or media interview, or as the guest expert in other programs and masterminds. 

A clear, focused message helps create an exciting, high-impact brand you love 

Wavering on your message not only feels frustrating and out-of-sync, but it also shows up as less impactful in your brand messaging. When your potential clients and audience members feel that uncertainty – even ever so slightly – it weakens their sense of confidence in your ability to help them solve their struggle or meet their greatest desire.  

I’m sure you’ve tried a number of things to help you land on the message that feels exactly right for you. 

Goodness knows there are branding books, courses and programs at every turn… public speaking coaches and trainings, marketing consultants and agencies… Maybe you hired a copywriter in hopes that someone with a bit of distance plus expertise could hone in on just the right words to capture what you so deeply want to say. 

But it never fails, after a little time passes, that clarity wavers and you start to wonder: is that really it? Is that really what my heart wants to say? And even if it is, does anyone really want to hear it?

In this course, I show you not only how to reveal the most aligned and magnetic message you are meant to share, but also how to use that message to begin establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Of course, you’ll learn the method for tapping into that place in you that knows what you want to say, unwaveringly and without apology..

But more importantly, you’ll know what to do with this message in so many circumstances where your leadership gets established such as speaking on great stages, networking events, writing your website bio, and being interviewed on podcasts and other media, just to name a few.

The bottom line is:

You’ll finally have the kind of clarity and conviction around your message that you’ve been seeking.

Immediate & forever access to this course for only $97

  the Message You
Came to Share

Here’s a breakdown of what we’ll cover in this course:

Module One

– How to dig deeper than you ever have before to tap into the message at the heart of your work

– Connecting your message with your goals for your business and mission, without losing the integrity of the message you really want to share

– How to reveal your own Rooftop Message

– The Why of your “Why” and how this impacts your commitment

– Where your message can make an impact, speaking and beyond

Module Two

– ​​​​​​​Who is on the “streets” of your little town (this will dramatically improve your message)

– Why ICA exercises so rarely work – and what does work for making deep connection

– How to get intimately connected with those you are meant to serve

– Drawthinking your ideal audience member (this is a fun one!)

– Your Refined Rooftop Message

Module 3

– Starting your Story Garden

– How to know which story to tell

– When you’re afraid of hurting others by telling your story

– Your story as your grounding

– Taking your Stand


Module 4

– The life and times of your IAM

– Making the connection IRL and online with your people

– Researching gathering places – unexpected places for connection

– Serving your IAM in a variety of ways

– Make a connection and service plan


Module 5

– The message you came to share

– The stand you take in your work and thought leadership

– The Power of Resolve

– It’s not about you – or even your message

– Grounded confidence

– Action Anyway

– Your Message Dashboard: Ready for takeoff!


Speaking Opportunity Tracker and Audio Guide

(Value $49) 

This is the same tracking tool we use with our high-end one-on-one clients to help them research, contact and keep track of their growing list of speaking opportunities. This tool allows you to make a consistent practice of outreach to the event organizers and leaders you most want to connect with.

Here’s what clients have to say about our work together and the expertise I bring to this course:


The first conversation we had made me realize that what I really have to say is so much bigger. She really helped me get to the heart of my message—what the real big message was. It was the best day ever. When I went up to do that talk, I had all the confidence in the world. I knew it like the back of my hand. It also helped me shape the outline of my book. Some of the best work that I did, definitely, in 2019 was with Michelle.

Rachel Rodgers
CEO, Hello Seven

"I am gaining so much more clarity than I ever thought possible. I didn't even realize that crafting a talk or speaking was something that could be possible for me until coming into this group and hearing the stories of so many amazing people. I am so grateful for being a part of this program Michelle, and I cannot wait to see how it all ends!! Thank you for all of the help and feedback."

"Michelle: at the risk of bumming everyone else out, YOU HAVE TO INCREASE THE PRICE on this course. I swear I have gotten so much value already!!! Thank you so much!"

"UNBELIEVABLE EXPERTISE… Michelle is one of the best coaches I’ve ever worked with in any field." - Melanie Vetter

“Michelle had an ability to take my mess and make art out of it. She was very intuitive and helped me shape and formulate my message.” – Gayle Canton

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