Best of 2020 Podcast—Part 2: Stuck, No Idea What to Say & Hiding

by | Public Speaking Tips, Speaking Anxiety, Virtual Speaking Tips

One of the things that strikes me most about parenting is the number of times a week that I think to myself, “I have no idea what to say or do right now…”

If you’re like me, that same sentence has been playing in your head about so many things this wild year. Our podcast stats suggest that’s definitely the case as we put together Part 2 of our Best of The Brilliance at Work podcast list.

We all want to know things like:

  • What to say when we are invited to a gathering of family or friends, yet we know we should be staying home (and so should they…)?
  • How do we make it clear that we are taking a STAND for racial justice — and share it with care and power with those in our lives who haven’t yet seen the importance of this kind of stand?
  • How do we to pivot when we just pivoted and that pivot needs a new pivot (are you tired of the word pivot yet?)?
  • Why is thought work not working as well for us right now and is there any other way to find freedom from spinning thoughts?
  • In spite of it all, I keep trying to show up in my work and it still isn’t creating the impact I want to make! What am I doing wrong?

These episodes answer all of those questions. No wonder they were among the most beloved episodes of 2020!

Even if you heard them before, I’m very confident you will hear something new and useful in them with a relisten when you're feeling like you have no idea what to say. Enjoy!

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