While at Breitenbush, you cannot even call anyone on the phone much less Tweet your thoughts. This is totally right and good and beautiful. Somehow, in spite of the totally gorgeous surrender to nature and contemplation that I experienced, I still found myself engaging in TwitterThink occasionally.

I wrote a few down (yup – with just regular old pencil and paper). Here they are:

This veggie food is freaking fantastic!

Is it cheating to step over the lines to get back from the center of the labyrinth?

This fantasyland style sunset lighting as me expecting smurfs to arrive.

Naked guy in hot spring to naked stranger standing on edge: You look like the guy from Star Trek.

Naked guy standing on edge of hot spring to us sitting in the spring: your skin all looks radiant. I beam.

Am I falling in LOVE with this jazzy bluesy soulful throaty songstress playing on this rickety stage here? Whoah.

My new def of torture: no phone access to check on my babies.

I'm amazed that no one has EVER written on this wood wall next to my bunk in the dorm. City girl.

This is Profoundly relaxing. Even my toes are relaxed. My toes and ears.

Is it really okay to wear no deoderant, even when it is THIS hot? I am earthy, personified.