
Forget what you need to DO. Who do you need to BE?

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Do you have a zillion line to-do list? Do you sometimes choose not to write it all down simply because you don't want to see it all there in front of you? Yea, me, too.

Given the cross-country move thing, my to-do list is on steroids. I was recently working with my coach on how to tackle this monstrosity without losing my mind and he guided me toward the ultra-powerful archetype tool with the question, “So, who do you need to BE to get all this done?”

“Wonder Woman.”, I answered. Simply. With certainty. It was clear to me.

Wonder Woman is (to me): strong, courageous, resourceful, smart, diplomatic, ready to take on anything that arrives on scene … (and, incidentally, quite sexy.) I need these characteristics to take on the grand task of moving my family across the country, building this kick-ass presentation skills training class I have scheduled for next week, coaching my current clients, and working out the details of the upcoming collaborative project I'll be revealing in a few months (ooh, don't you LOVE that mystique fascination trigger?), plus being totally present for my little girls as they ride the roller coaster of emotions around our move.

Suddenly, with Wonder Woman as my archetype, I had access to a different energy. My coach even reminded me how Wonder Woman used to do this awesome Wonder Woman twirl, which reminded me I could add some kind of kinesthetic move to my “transformation” whenever I had trouble accessing that archetypal power. (Okay, I probably won't actually twirl, but I can stand up and imagine the twirl… and I could twirl if I needed to! No one would suspect a thing :-D)

I'll admit it. I've conjured Wonder Woman's image to my mind multiple times in the last few weeks. (Actually, I printed this fabulous Wonder Woman image for my wall in my office. Go ahead, laugh… but I love it, really.) It's serving me really well. It reminds me to step out of “poor me” when I feel overwhelmed and ask myself the crazy yet straightforward question, “What would Wonder Woman do?” and reveal some totally powerful answers. I'm getting a whole lost of to-do items checked off. That's what I need right now.

How about you? Who do you need to be to get the stuff done in your life that needs doing?

Thank you, andertoons, for this Wonder Woman image.