Ep #22: How to Access Your Innate Confidence Anytime with Amy Johnson

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We talk a lot about self-expression on the podcast, and that's part of the reason why I'm so excited to share this week's conversation with you. My guest, Amy Johnson, PhD, revolutionized the way I express myself and understand my emotions, especially around speaking. I think her simple yet powerful message could resonate with you, too, no matter what kind of anxiety you may be dealing with.

Amy helps people find freedom from their habits by encouraging them to use insight rather than willpower. In this interview, she shares how this concept applies to speaking anxiety and talks about how you can get in touch with the calm, confident part of yourself no matter what's going on. We also discuss her groundbreaking online program, The Little School of Big Change*, and how it can help you get grounded in the face of any anxiety.

If you're struggling with structuring your talk, my Get Started Speaking guide has The Only Presentation Outline You'll Ever Need!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How Amy describes habits and how to gain freedom from them.
  • Why grounding yourself in the calm part of yourself can help you give a talk (or persist through other anxieties) even in the face of strong emotion.
  • How to move beyond trying to manipulate the content of your emotions and into a calm, confident frame of mind.
  • Amy's thoughts on anxiety tools like tapping and breathing, and what she recommends.
  • How Amy eventually saw past the “reality” that she was an anxious person — and got in touch with a natural, quiet, peaceful state instead.

Listen to the Full Episode:

*I'm a proud affiliate partner of The Little School of Big Change. It has made such a beautiful difference in my life and work and I believe it could offer similar gifts to your life and work, too. 

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