We are moving across the country in less than one month.

Like, totally across the country. If you look a map, put your finger in the center of Oregon on the West Coast, then drag your finger straight across (and south a little), then you will reach Charlottesville, Virginia, and you'd be touching our new home.

When you move a whole family across the country, many questions arise – not the least of which is…

“Do I really need all this CRAP?!”

And since I've known that the answer to that  is a resounding “NO!” for many years, I've taken this opportunity to give away, sell and otherwise “release” a LOT of Stuff. (How can we not watch this George Carlin clip on Stuff as we broach this topic?) It feels good to slim down, for sure. But it's also disconcerting. What does it mean that I have kept all of this crap for so long? And, the opposite really, what if I need it again and I end up having to go out and buy it? I can't answer either, really, until I make the trek and see how it all shakes out.

Location Independence

Meantime, I'm thinking a lot about my goal of the last few years of location independence. This cross-country move is a real test of how successful my venture toward location independence is turning out to be. Essentially, for me, location independence means that I can live and travel anywhere and still make money from wherever I am. It doesn't mean I don't work. I'm not looking at early retirement (not yet anyway.) It means that my systems are set up such that I can make my coaching calls, create products and deliver consulting services from anywhere in the world in a way that delights and provides genuine awesome value for my clients. I've tested this out many times on vacations, while participating in coaching and consulting calls and providing consulting services while on vacation and it's worked beautifully. Therefore, it should work very nicely with this cross country move.

Only this is a little different.

Where business isn't easy.

For one thing, a number of my clients seek me out because I run my business in a place where growing a successful business is not easy (we have an over 13% unemployment rate.) They believe that my experience of substantially growing a business in a place where business is difficult will help them grow businesses where they are. I know that my actual location has nothing to do with my ability to provide coaching and consulting that helps them grow their dream businesses, but that's not the point. That I am moving away from the difficult spot makes it seem like it's not possible. Or maybe it's just that I'm afraid they'll think that. (I should ask them.)

I learned what works the hard way.

And for the record, it does matter that I learned how to grow a business in such a tricky location. But at this point, I get it about what works and doesn't – even in a difficult location – and that I can share from any location.

Hell, maybe I'm just afraid that it actually won't translate. That it's all been a fluke. That's possible, too. Rationality doesn't always sync up with emotions – and my emotions are on a bit of “alert” right now. Truthfully, I know that this stance will serve me with my clients even better than not being connected to the inner turmoil of a cross-country move that tests my location independence (aka business growth success.)

For now, I pack.

Right now, I know that my most important move is to keep getting rid of crap, be sure I know where my headset and iPhone are at all times, and that I spend as much time as possible with my girls as they also traverse the mix of emotions that is a move like this one.

I'll keep you posted on how it all shakes out. Meantime, if you know anyone who needs infant gear or a box of old sand toys, please send 'em my way. Oh, and if you've got any great tips on how to make a West Coast to South East Coast move go more smoothly, you are warmly invited to send those my way, too.

Thank you, bfhoyt, for the perfect picture of moving boxes. If only mine looked so beautifully organized.