Welcome back to the Brilliance at Work podcast, my beautiful friends! I have been thinking about how we, as humans and leaders, are each uniquely designed to move through all of this that is life, and how to be the unique thought leader you can be.

When we decide that we are a thought leader in our industry, we commit to bringing our very best ideas, lessons, and stories to the forefront. There is some nuance in the definition of a “thought leader.” However, the most important part of thought leadership is knowing what you are on this earth to say.

Today I want to share with you how I know that you were made for this. You might be wondering, “What exactly is this?” I am going to answer that and dive into the meaning of thought leadership and how it can uniquely apply to each of you.

What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • How I know you were made for all of this.
  • What “this” is and how to have confidence throughout it all.
  • What the definition of “thought leadership” is.
  • How to find and know your rooftop message.
  • Why your message will shift and change over time.

Featured on the Show:

Listen to the Full “You Were Made for This” Episode:


PREVIOUS EPISODE | Ep 118: The Path of Radiant Thought Leadership


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