Our own stories of transformation can be scary to tell. Actually, this whole business of taking a stand as a leader through your stories and expertise can be pretty intense. It was for me, anyway.

In this video, I share with you the story behind one of the stories I mention in Beyond Applause: Make a Meaningful Difference through Transformational Thought Leadership. 

This is the start of my own story of transformation. I hope it serves you by knowing that any fear you may feel – any resistance that may rise up for you – isn't in any way a sign that you aren't meant to do this. In fact, I would offer that your recognition of it is very possibly just a sign that it's time for you to step in.


ALSO: It's Book Birth Week! Let's meet back here on February 1, 2018 so you can check out Beyond Applause: Make a Meaningful Difference through Transformational Speaking. There will be bonus prizes!!

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