Ep #170: Your Vision & The Ocean Wave
This time of year can be full of special occasions, sparkly lights and delights, and possibly extra time off. And it may have none of those things for you. Whether or not you celebrate holidays this time of year, there is a good chance you are thinking about the big...
Ep #169: Your Hell Yes Business with Jessica Miller
There is no branding, strategy or re-vamp of your website that will create even half the impact that simply connecting in with your own excited energy in your business will bring. Struggling in business and wondering what to do to solve business problems is normal,...
Ep #168: How to Be Strategic in Storytelling with Marsha Shandur
Story has become a buzzword in the business world. While we know we need to tell more stories, and to do it strategically, it’s still mysterious for many how to do that effectively. There’s no better way to learn the art and best practices of storytelling than to talk...
Ep #167: Creating Your Story Garden
The moment you need a story – in crafting a speech, a current conversation, writing your book, for example – is the hardest moment to come up with a great story. Knowing that story is a compelling way to bring a concept to life, to draw in attention or to...