Michelle Franco KOHD E-Eloquence Interview

Michelle Franco KOHD E-Eloquence Interview

Michelle Franco KOHD E-Eloquence Interview

Michelle Franco KOHD E-Eloquence Interview

I had so much fun during my four-minute interview with Lauren Biskin on KOHD's Daybreak show this morning! First of all, Laruen Biskin is simply LOVELY. She is warm and inviting – and well, y'all know she is stunning as well. I had half a thought to ask her if she wanted to grab a cup of coffee and chat after the interview, I liked her so much! Then I figured she probably had other news-related things to do. Alas.

What a seriously cool opportunity it was to talk about our upcoming E-Eloquence workshop (starting Monday, July 27th – hurry up and sign up!). I am regularly surprised at how many people do not take advantage of the many cool online tools for creating meaningful business relationships and I am excited I got to invite more people to come to the E-Eloquence workshop to learn how to do those things.

I'm hoping I can get the video clip and share it here. Meantime, I took a few screenshots of the TERRIBLE filming we did here at our home with our Flip Video camera (Flip is GREAT. We just pointed it at the screen – but that's never the way to do high-quality filming. It's pretty cute having my girls voices in the background saying “Mama! There's Mama!”) Thought these photos would be a nice little visual for now. I would have put up one of Laura Biskin and me both on the screen but I couldn't get a good screenshot that I thought would do her justice, lovely as she is. I don't have to do myself justice, really. So here I am.