In January of 2022, I realized I was feeling super leashed up on social media. I had a lot of thinking about what I should and shouldn’t say or share on social platforms. In conversations with dear friends, I was lovingly challenged to let go of any thinking about what I should share and just say all the things I was wishing to say but thought I couldn’t. This is how the 10 Things Project was born. 

As I think about the process of becoming unleashed so we can share our voice, speak with confidence, and just show up as real and powerful as possible, I realize these 10 Things Project lists have been a beautiful catalyst. So this is the first in a series of podcast episodes sharing 10 Things Lists. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How family and subculture can make us smaller, even in a loving environment
  • Where body image and self-expression come together
  • The interplay of Surrendered Speaking and Becoming Unleashed
  • How I see talking with my younger self as a path to even greater surrendered living
  • Where public speaking, saying what you really want to say, and even intimate relationships interconnect

I hope you enjoy this episode. Stay tuned for more 10 Things Project episodes in this series. 

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Surrendered Speaking

10 Things Project #8 post on Instagram