Ep 111: How I Became a Speaking Coach

by | Podcast

As you step more fully into leadership in your industry, you’ll be asked to tell your story more often. People want to know how you got where you are today. In this episode, I share my own story of how I became a speaking coach.

SNEAK PEEK—It’s a highly unexpected outcome for my career.

Then, I share how to choose which details to include when telling your own story in podcast interviews, panel and keynote speaking and all the places you’ll be asked to share your story.

Featured On The Show:

  • My Magnetic 12-week online program is group mentorship & coaching to help you become a captivating and engaging speaker and thought leader in your industry through ONLINE and IRL (in real life) avenues. Check out all of the details for Magnetic Online HERE.
  • Step into the industry leader you’re meant to be with the help of Michelle and a collective of health and wellness professionals. Click HERE to be among the first to know when we open the doors for the Coaches Leadership Collective again!
  • Brilliance at Work Community Facebook Group

Listen to the Full “How I Became a Speaking Coach” Episode:


NEXT EPISODE | Ep #112: You Can't Learn This

PREVIOUS EPISODE | Ep #110: When a Difficult Start Leads to a Brilliant Life with Naketa Thigpen


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