Launch Party Fun – Join in, even from afar!

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Thanks to my brilliant friend, Joan Dudley of The Sol Center, today is Launch Party Day (woo hoo!) for Vision Into Action & Your Hello Intro Self-Guided Workshop. (Without her, I don't think I'd have thought to throw a party – but I'm sure glad we are!) We're calling our event Launching Soul because both Joan and I are launching products designed and produced for soulful people who are working to maximize their life and business. Joan's product is a revolutionary approach to unblocking the stuff in your way of making great things happen in your life – and The Brazen Soul programs are designed to take you step-by-step through making the business parts of those great things happen once you are destuckified.

I hope we'll see you at tonight's festivities (Fox's Billiards, 937 NW Newport Ave. Bend, OR 97701, ph: (541) 647-1363, kids welcome until 7pm at which time I guess Fox's turns into an adult bar.)

I'm going to do a drawing at tonight's party for one free whole entire Vision Into Action program (this means that the winner will get: 200+ page step-by-step coaching guide for creating powerful, authentic messaging in his/her business, a CD of inspiring conversations and additional coaching with other Brazen Soul business owners, plus an expansion interview DVD where I share additional coaching to help maximize the impact of this self-study program. PLUS they get the entire Your Hello Intro program as a BONUS (which comes with every Vision Into Action program.) That Your Hello Intro program is it's own self-contained program with 2.5 hours of video workshop (shot from a live workshop I facilitated) plus a 70 page guidebook. But wait, there's more! :-D… there's also an exclusive online web page where you can download many of the worksheets and checklists in the program for easy use over and over – plus additional resources that I update as I find great new things I think you should know about. I did everything I could think of in these two program to make it possible to ramp up your natural yet-oh-so-powerful communication style in your business. If you are looking to spice up your business messaging and get Radical Clarity on your vision, word from those who have used it is that this program really does help a lot. Come to the party and put your business card in the giant brandy glass!

And just in case you are too far away or simply can't  make it to tonight's Launching Soul shindig, I've decided to bring some of the fun to our online community here!

So, if you want to be part of the fun and maybe win the whole shebang for yourself, just send me an email to that says, “Pick me, pick me!” in the subject line.

I'll print all names on paper, put them in my fancy big giant brandy glass drawing jar and pull a name tomorrow. I will email you if you won then send you your program once you send me contact info. I will NOT use your email for any other purpose. Incidentally, if you would like to be on The Brazen Soul email list, you are enthusiastically invited to go here: and click “Free Business Growth Tools” which will prompt you to give your email to join the list (you'll also get some cool business growth tools by doing that!) You'll get the monthly newsletter (more like mothly-ish) plus those awesome business growth tools you'll read about once you click that link.

I look forward to seeing you tonight if you plan to be at the party. If not, I look forward to your email in my inbox and am rooting for you to be the winner of the online drawing! As always, thanks so very kindly for your support and engagement.