
Occasionally I like to answer questions on linkedIn. It feels good to contribute to real conversations (there are plenty of questions on there that are clearly simply ploys to send you to the questioner's website – but there are real and very interesting questions as well) and you get to know who else is interested in your same topics and their views. It's a little known jewel of LinkedIn engagement, the question and answer process.

Recently, I posted my own question. I have a good list of anxiety-reducing ideas & tips for public speaking but I am always searching for new and different ones. The things that help calm people vary a great deal and it's really useful to have a large variety of suggestions. So, I posted the question: What is your best strategy for decreasing anxiety before public speaking?

I am way impressed and thrilled by the high quality responses! A good number of them are things that I had on my list but there are a few that I didn't have (like arrive early and talk to people at the event so that you have a few “friends” in the audience by the time you start.)

Go check out my LinkedIn profile and click on the link to the question (bit lower than halfway down on the left side of the screen under “Michelle Barry's Activity”) so you can see all the lovely answers. Also, start using the LinkedIn Q & A if you haven't already done so. It's really cool.