Ep #62: When Your Message Is Controversial

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 It can be scary to share your message when you know there will be people in the world – and likely in your audience – who disagree with what you have to say. Depending on your message, you might have people who passionately and outspokenly disagree with you. 

Some of the more obvious topics are political and religious and you may very well be sharing topics in those domains. If that's the case, you've heard you should bring these up in “polite conversation” (whatever the hell that means, anyway). And yet, if this is what your heart and life experience guides you to say, then you must share it. 

Your topic may not be as overtly “sensitive.” Maybe you have some strong parenting advice to share or you want to take a stand for the imperfections in our current medical model. If you've got friends and family who parent differently, or you were trained in a traditional medical model, you know you're going to get push back from your family and colleagues. 

The question isn't whether you should share these messages. Of course not. You know what you are on this Earth to say. The question is just how to share your message in a way that is most powerful, has the greatest impact. 

In this episode, we explore this topic and I share some ideas for how to think about and approach your controversial message. 

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why you don’t need to decide whether to share your controversial message (there’s no decision to make)
  • How “turning off” your audience with your message just might be even more impactful than any strategy you’ve tried before
  • The new and unexpected ways I’m thinking about messages that push our edges (maybe something new in here for you to consider as well…)
  • Some cool examples of thought leaders who take risks with their message

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