The moment you need a story – in crafting a speech, a current conversation, writing your book, for example – is the hardest moment to come up with a great story. Knowing that story is a compelling way to bring a concept to life, to draw in attention or to...
When you know you are called to use your voice, expertise, and message to serve in our world, that desire can burn strong, even hot at times. It’s not just about saying the thing, telling the story… it’s about feeling fully expressed when you do it. And yet,...
It’s common for us to think that telling ourselves we aren’t good enough will motivate us to do better work, perform better. And interestingly, there is some truth to that. Research does show that people who are realistic about what they need to do to perform at their...
Our brain loves to tell us that we have to get it “right.” We can spend many hours, days, weeks overthinking our next moves: Naming your business How to title your upcoming keynote speech Where to tell a story in our presentation or book If it’s okay to take a...
In January of 2022, I realized I was feeling super leashed up on social media. I had a lot of thinking about what I should and shouldn’t say or share on social platforms. In conversations with dear friends, I was lovingly challenged to let go of any thinking about...
I am a speaking coach who helps mission-driven leaders, coaches and creatives say ‘yes’ to their calling, step into their expert selves, and serve others through sharing the stories only they can tell.
In this short e-course, you will learn the essential pillars of crafting a message that naturally attracts the people you are on this earth to serve.