What if you could actually plant a kiss?

On our beach vacation a few weeks ago, we stopped at Barnes and Noble to pick up a few road trip books for the drive home. There, shimmering on the shelf of new picture books, sat this book, “Plant a Kiss” by one of my favorite children's book authors, Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

In this book, a darling little gangly gardener girl named “Little Miss” decides to plant a kiss in her garden. She invites sunshine, she waters, she “greets” the place where the kiss is planted. She repeats the process.

She waits… she waits… she loses faith… she pouts… and then, as with things we cultivate with love, just as she's about to give up… a sprout! A kiss sprout is born!

She rejoices! She gathers her friends to share! They contemplate how to handle this precious growing kiss crop.

Should she bottle it up and keep it safe? Will it disappear if they let it get out?

As you might guess, sweet Little Miss decides to share the kiss crop. She gives it away in every way, under every condition she can… snow, rain, with a bow!

And when she is all done, tired and ready to take a break, guess what happens…

Yep, that one little kiss that Little Miss cultivated and shared abundantly, turned into “endless bliss~~~~~~!”

To see a sweet little video of the book, go here.

I hope this Sweet Saturday story feeds your soul 🙂

I wonder if this story's metaphor resonates for you in your business, speaking or personal life, as it did mine? Would love to hear in the comments.