Ep 116: The Danger of Best Practices

Ep 116: The Danger of Best Practices

If you want the fast track to your greatest impact with your message as a speaker and thought leader, it makes sense that you want to learn best practices on messaging, talk crafting and delivery. I teach that stuff a lot. And yet, I've noticed over the years that the...

Ep 115: Why It's So Hard to Do What You Love with Kadidja Yansane

Ep 115: Why It's So Hard to Do What You Love with Kadidja Yansane

The heart of the dream is to do what you love and the money will follow, right? There are books written on that and it sounds amazing. But, no one tells you the special "roadblocks" that show up when you decide you are going to actually create a business from your...

Ep 114: What If You're Wrong?

Ep 114: What If You're Wrong?

I see way too many leaders with voices for good who hesitate to take their stand for fear of being wrong. Here's the straight up news—you probably will be wrong sometimes. I certainly have been wrong plenty, as I share in this episode. There is freedom in really...

Ep 113: Show the Truth with Jude Charles

Ep 113: Show the Truth with Jude Charles

In the old days, this was "professional" — to keep business separate from our personal life. But, the people we serve want more from us now — they want to know who we really are. Jude Charles is an expert at sharing that story, through video. As a documentarian for...

Ep 112: You Can't Learn This

Ep 112: You Can't Learn This

When things get uncertain or scary, we often look for ways to fix it. We turn to new courses, programs or places to learn best practices. Nothing wrong with great training or best practices, of course. They are awesome. However, they are NOT where the best answers...

Ep 111: How I Became a Speaking Coach

Ep 111: How I Became a Speaking Coach

As you step more fully into leadership in your industry, you’ll be asked to tell your story more often. People want to know how you got where you are today. In this episode, I share my own story of how I became a speaking coach. SNEAK PEEK—It’s a highly unexpected...

Ep 109: How to Say Hard Things to People You Care About

Ep 109: How to Say Hard Things to People You Care About

Being a leader means sometimes having difficult conversations. Whether this is your business partner, romantic partner or someone in your family, the discomfort often means we end up avoiding the conversations altogether. Yet, using your voice and leading with your...

Ep 108: How to Be Less Afraid of Virtual Speaking

Ep 108: How to Be Less Afraid of Virtual Speaking

Something about that sense of abyss on the other side of the camera feels so daunting… judgy even. Virtual speaking can cause more anxiety than in-person speaking for some people—not being able to see their expressions or hear their laughter and applause. And yet,...

Ep 107: 5 Ways to Be a More Captivating & Engaging Online Speaker

Ep 107: 5 Ways to Be a More Captivating & Engaging Online Speaker

Live in-person events are mostly canceled, but inspiration and learning are not! In this episode, I share five ways to be a more captivating and engaging online speaker — from tips on equipment to how to deepen your audience intimacy. You'll learn how to take your...

Ep 106: Mindful Social Media Presence with Andréa Jones

Ep 106: Mindful Social Media Presence with Andréa Jones

Being “everywhere” is a powerful leadership move. Yet, there are so many things that can get in the way of consistently showing up online with your message. In this conversation with Andréa Jones of Savvy Social School, we get to hear from the expert in mindful social...


Meet Michelle

I am a speaking coach who helps mission-driven leaders, coaches and creatives say ‘yes’ to their calling, step into their expert selves, and serve others through sharing the stories only they can tell.


Learn the Path to Thought Leadership so you become a sought-after speaker in your industry and can serve at the highest level possible.

Click here to download your copy of my book.

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