
Ta-Da! Our New The Brazen Soul REAL Website Is Here

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Ooh, I'm so excited!

This is been a long, loooong, looooooong time coming. If you have ever launched a new website, then you know what I mean.

There were some crazy tricks and turns along the way to getting this baby out into the world. (Don't worry, I'm not going to akin this process to birthing a child or anything – I've done enough of that to know that, while this is hard, it is nothing compared to the (beautiful, glorious, soul-lifting) birthing process).

But still, yeee-haw! It's so good to be out in the open! To be finished making the thousand decisions it takes to design and launch a new website. Even with the best web team you can imagine (which I have), it's an exhausting ride.

So, if you are accustomed to reading The Brazen Soul Blog, which acted as our temporary home, I invite you to continue to do so at the new Brazen Soul Blog right here. Expect more of the same here – explorations, ideas, thoughts, insights, tips and occasional frustrations about living the passion-driven entrepreneurial life.

If you want to know more about all of the other stuff I do, you can check out the whole brand new shindig at www.thebrazensoul.com. Explore around if you're inclined. I'd love to hear your thoughts, either via email or in comments here.

You'll notice that I am also launching a new self-study program called The Brazen Soul Program: Vision Into Action. Consider this a sort of tucked-into-the-corner soft pre-order reveal. Mostly because I am too exhausted to finish the Big Reveal post right now. Probably tomorrow. But notice that there is a pre-order deal going on. Maybe it'll interest you. It's a pretty gosh darn good savings.

Alright. Whew. We're home. I'm sure there will be glitches – and there are a few things I know aren't done (gotta get the case studies pulled together and shared.) But for the most part, I think it's in good shape. And I can't wait to have conversations with you, work with you, listen to you, share with you… in our real online home. Come on in. Welcome.

Thank you so much for being here.