There is power in naming. It gives you a reference, a quick-check for behavior and other decisions.

We name lots of things: our feelings, our taste in furniture, our business focus. Yet, we rarely name our style of communicating. I don’t mean whether you are an introvert or extrovert – I mean the personality – the texture, energy… flair or angle of your language, tone, stories.

It's too bad because, if you ask me, it is the magic missing piece in extraordinary business communication.

Your Expressionl Élan is what zings your business brand. It's what makes someone smile unexpectedly when they come across your business name, or your latest blog post, or the title of the new service package you are offering. It's the thing that keeps your potential client riveted to your marketing materials, in spite of being late for their next appointment to wherever.

On the surface, your Expression Élan is about style, yes. For those of you that are fans of the book by the same name (as I am), it's similar to your Style Statement (but from the center of your soul, as opposed to the foundation of your style)- married to your distinct business style (watch for more on this in an upcoming post), with your verb (more on this in a later post, too) integrated. It's also about values and unique strengths. It's about the action you take, most of the time, whether you are working, playing or planning. It is the sum total of your personal flair, passion and Contribution style.

It sounds so exotic – and, it can be, if that’s your style. It can also be edgy, playful, artsy, intellectual… it can be any kind of descriptor that comes to your mind. Yet yours is already in existence. You simply need to reveal it.

To begin the process of revealing your own Expression Élan, consider these questions/prompts:

What rocks your world?

You are craving something intensely… what is it? What will you do about it?

You are feeling peaceful. Tell me about your surroundings…

Is your business more like a river or a valley? Wind or rain?

I want this adventure…

If you could will everyone in your community to take one basic action, what would it be?

Notice any themes showing up in your answers? These themes are windows into your Expression Élan.

There are three elements to your Expression Élan: Soul (at the center of you), Personality (the energy of your communication style) and Verb (what are you always trying to do?)

Here are some Expression Élan examples:

Transdendent Spunk Reveal (that's mine!)

Generative Sparkle Soothe

Organic Artsy Play

So, what is your Expression Élan? I'll give you more ways of revealing it over the next few weeks. Once you name it, then apply it to your branding and business communication, your marketing will take a full skyscraper leap in magnetism.